Premier Debt Collection Services for Your Business

Our Immediate Adjustment Service is our primary collection solution for most any delinquent customer you may have, especially for those you feel may have abused your credit policies enough already. This service is best suited for accounts of $5,000.00 and over.
Our goal is to make immediate contact with the debtor and to speak with them about the debt within the 1st 24 hours of placement. We are flexible and will make every effort to preserve customer relationships whenever you ask us to. Otherwise, the "gloves" go on the minute your claim is placed!
Our DIRECT SERVICE is for your smaller accounts that need some "professional prodding" to pay what is owed.
Whether your delinquent customer happens to be in Mumbai, India, or in Montevideo, Uruguay or anywhere else in the world, we can help you to collect your money fast and avoid the usual delays encountered through local customs or currencies.
Our combined decades of domestic and international collections give us the advantage when it comes to language and other communications barriers, so you can be confident in our ability to recover your money promptly and effectively.
While international accounts can prove to be extremely challenging at times, we pride ourselves on providing the highest level of service at very competitive rates.

Stands for our "Accounts Receivable Training Solutions" program, which is an exclusive RESOURCE for use by Clients of USCAC. If you haven't heard us say before that "we are a Resource, USE "US" then as a Credit & Collections Manager, you need to ask your Sales Associate about this program, and take advantage of this powerful tool.
Robert Eskin developed this comprehensive receivables management program, through many years of fine-tuning and updating to help overcome the ever-changing challenges of modern collections. Maybe, you already have an effective program in place, yet we feel this could only enhance your current system, resulting in fewer delinquencies and/or losses.
Click here to "Contact Us" for our information or email us today for more information on becoming a client of
USCAC and taking advantage of this valuable resource among many others we have to offer. Also, download our "Accounts Receivables Tool Kit"!